

The Read Write Now program offers free one-on-one tutoring for adults who want to improve their reading, writing, maths, study or basic computer skills. The program is only available in Western Australia.

Who we are

Read Write Now is a community-based volunteer organisation that offers free one-on-one tutoring for adults who want to improve their reading, writing, maths, study or basic computer skills. The program has been operating in Western Australia since 1977.

The program offers literacy help from trained volunteer tutors who teach according to individual circumstances and needs. Adult learners will meet with their tutor for about an hour and a half each week in a public venue or online. Approximately 650 students work with 500 trained volunteer tutors annually to achieve their personal and professional goals.

Literacy is a life skill that some adults in our community have missed out on due to interrupted schooling, sickness, leaving the education system at a young age or due to having a learning disability. Low literacy levels can restrict adults to low paying jobs and limit opportunities for training or promotion. Perpetuating cycles of low literacy in families can also occur, along with social exclusion as they try to hide this problem from others. 

For over 45 years, Read Write Now has brought literacy to Western Australians far and wide. It is not just the thousands of individuals who have sought help who benefit - it is their children, their employers, the local community, the WA economy and ultimately society as a whole. Higher levels of literacy build the social capital of communities, leading to greater participation and community resilience.

Currently the Program operates in 18 regions throughout the state, including the Perth metropolitan area and regional centres Albany, Geraldton, Bunbury, Collie, Esperance and Katanning. 

Read Write Now changes lives through literacy!


Over its history, Read Write Now has had the benefit of a number of strong supporters and sponsors. The Program has always worked on the principle that the greater the involvement with the people of WA and agencies, the more we can achieve together. Read Write Now works closely together with the Reading Writing Hotline, a free national referral service supporting adults across Australia to improve their literacy, numeracy and digital skills (LND).

Read Write Now is funded by the Western Australian Department of Training and Workforce Development and receives in-kind sponsorship from North Metropolitan TAFE. The TAFE provides the Program with office space, Finance, Marketing, HR and IT support.

Private business sponsorship has allowed Read Write Now to provide IT equipment to regions, recognition programs for volunteers and resource materials for students.