Applicants that apply to Read Write Now will have an initial phone call with office staff. This initial phone call is used to gather contact information, schooling history, learning difficulties (diagnosed and undiagnosed) as well as motivations for learning and goals of each individual applicant. In an informal, conversation style manner, a questionnaire will be asked to the applicant. Their responses will be used to evaluate their literacy level to determine if the needs of the applicant are beyond the expertise of volunteer tutors and, if the mode of weekly lesson delivery will be of value and lead to positive outcomes.
If the evaluation has raised concerns, then a written assessment task will be provided to the applicant, to be completed, with guidance from a carer and/or support worker. If the evaluation of the questionnaire and written assessment task demonstrate that it is likely the applicant will be able to be successfully guided and assisted by a volunteer tutor, then the application will progress to a local coordinator to further assess and ‘match’ a suitable tutor, so that lessons can commence.
If the evaluation and assessment process does not find the applicant will benefit from Read Write Now tutoring, then we can offer different training options for providers and carers supporting clients.
Read Write Now can provide specific training for agency support workers and carers that are in frequent contact with those applicants who have been assessed as requiring additional literacy and numeracy support beyond the expertise of our volunteer tutors.
Read Write Now can provide this training free of charge and will work with care agencies, employment services, NDIS providers and support workers to deliver customised training that provides options for face-to-face or online delivery of training modules, to suit the operations of providers and the clients they support.
Option 1: Standard volunteer tutor training
Throughout the calendar year, Read Write Now delivers tutor training for all new volunteer tutors. Individuals and agency staff can attend these sessions but will be required to confirm a booking date and attend two (2 full days) face to face training sessions and complete assigned tasks as part of the training program. This is non accredited training, however participation in the program is essential for the development of literacy and numeracy strategies for the volunteer tutor in Read Write Now.
Option 2: Customised agency support training
If your agency has multiple staff who work with clients to support their goals and / or your agency objectives, Read Write Now can customise a literacy and numeracy program for staff. The development of a customised program will better equip staff and enhance their understanding of literacy and numeracy strategies for the benefit of their client.
Option 3: Individual training for case workers, support workers or staff working in direct care of clients.
If you are in direct care of a client and need some additional literacy and numeracy support and strategies for them Read Write Now can assist. We will provide you with some strategies and resources to help guide your client’s literacy and numeracy development. This option is aimed at providing support workers some techniques and strategies utilised by Read Write Now.
Please contact the Read Write Now team on 1800 018 802 or email to discuss our services and training support options.